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Hurkmans ET rates 2025-2026 - Cattle

Below you can find an overview of the rates for the various services that Hurkmans ET offers related to embryo transfers in cattle.

Hurkmans ET

Price overview

Call-out rate 1* 50,00
Call-out rate 2* 60,00
1st flushing including flushing fluid / material costs 295,00
2nd flushing including flushing fluid / material costs 225,00
Transferring fresh embryo 55,00
Freezing embryo 1-10 per embryo 32,50
Freezing embryo >10 per embryo 20,00
Transferring frozen embryo 55,00
"Last chance" embryo from 100,00
Pregnancy check / Scanning / Animal 3,50
Pregnancy check / Scanning / Minute 1,80
Single flushing 150,00
Zero-flushing 150,00
1st OPU Session / Company 205,00
2nd OPU Session / Company / Collection 140,00
Laboratory costs per collection 140,00
Production costs IVF per embryo 95,00
Storage costs embryos from 3 months per 3 months 5,00

* Call-out fees are dependant on travel distance. Prices for medication not included.

The delivery terms and conditions of Hurkmans ET B.V., registered at KVK Eindhoven under number 50080113, apply to all services. Prices are excluding VAT. Prices are subject to change.